Duckie: *Walks around the street and suddenly finds a building with a banner that reads "Smarter than a Primary 6?"* Oooh! A new place! *Runs into the building.*
*The building is mostly empty, however, there are still some soft toys around there, preparing for a show.*
Duckie: *Looks up and he sees "Registration Counter". He immediately runs to it.*
Soft toy manning the registration counter: Hi, what would you like to register for? Contestant or question giver?
Duckie: Question giver please!
Soft toy manning the registration counter: Okay, please fill up the form.
Duckie: *Fills up the form* Here you go!
Soft toy manning the registration counter: *Takes the form* Please sit at the seat near the whiteboard, Duckie.
Duckie: Okay! *Sits at said seat*
*A few minutes later...*
Elder sister penguin and Harmony Bear: *Registers at the registration counter, buys 2 copies at the souvenirs store and walks to the contestant's seats*
Duckie: Yay! Finally someone's here!
Harmony Bear: Hello Duckie!
Soft toy responsible for telling the soft toys to start at the correct time: Okay, Duckie, fire away!
Duckie: *Puts up a question on the whiteboard which reads: "129 x 9 + 8 - (3+100) is equal to?
D) 190"*
Harmony Bear: *face palms*
Elder sister penguin: *Does the working for the question while Harmony Bear is racking her brains like crazy because she doesn't know the order of operation since she only studied till Primary 4. After she finishes the working, she writes on the little whiteboard given to contestants at the start of the show A.*
*2 minutes later...*
Harmony Bear: *Gets time out since she didn't put any answer*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *Harmony Bear and Elder sister penguin raises the whiteboards* And the answer is... A! Elder sister penguin gets a point!
Doggy, Jing Lu, Lamb, Cottonsocks, Heart Bear and Wei Lu: *Buy audience tickets, drags seats and sits on them* We're the audience and "cheat-helpers"!
Duckie: *Puts up another question on that board which reads "How much is the total angle of triangles?
A) 360 Degrees
B) 180 Degrees
C) 200 Degrees
D) 100 Degrees"*
*Wish Bear, Funshine Bear, Love a lot Bear and Secret Bear joins in the game*
Elder sister penguin: *Tries very hard but still don't know the answer so she uses "Copy Lamb*
Lamb: *answers B*
Wish Bear, Secret Bear and Funshine Bear: *Writes B on their whiteboard*
Harmony Bear: (Time out)
Love a lot Bear: *Writes A on her whiteboard*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards they have* All of the contestants except Love a lot Bear and Harmony Bear gets 3 points!
Lamb: Woohoo! I helped Elder sister penguin!
Scoreboard(Alphabetical order):
Elder sister Penguin: 4
Funshine Bear: 3
Harmony Bear: 0
Love a lot Bear: 0
Secret Bear: 3
Wish Bear: 3
*Doggy, Jing Lu, Lamb, Cottonsocks, Heart Bear and Wei Lu changes their registration form to contestants and also buys 2 copies*
Duckie: *Puts another question on the board which reads: "Which is/are the proper noun(s) in the following sentence: Nick went to the beach to swim in the relaxing swimming pool"
Harmony Bear, Elder sister penguin, Wish Bear, Love a lot Bear, Secret Bear, Heart Bear, Lamb, Cottonsocks and Wei Lu and Funshine Bear: *Writes C on their whiteboard*
Jing Lu: *Writes B on his whiteboard*
Doggy: *Writes A on his whiteboard*
A minute later...
Heart Bear: *Gets impatient* When is Duckie going to reveal answer?
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards* Everyone except Jing Lu and Doggy gets 5 points!
Cottonsocks: 5
Doggy: 0
Elder sister Penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 8
Harmony Bear: 5
Heart Bear: 5
Jing Lu: 0
Lamb: 5
Love a lot Bear: 5
Secret Bear: 8
Wei Lu: 5
Wish Bear: 8
Acke Wood: *Signs up at registration counter* I have a question!
Duckie: Okay! Put that question uppity up!
Acke Wood: Ok. *Pulls the whiteboard and writes: How many assessment books did my owner buy yesterday?
A: 5
B: 6
C: 7
D: 8*
Wei Lu: *Writes C on his whiteboard*
Cottonsocks, Lamb and Heart Bear: *Writes D on his whiteboard*
Doggy: *Writes B on his whiteboard*
Jing Lu: *Writes A on his whiteboard*
*20 second later*
Acke Wood: Please answer, time is running out!
*All of my soft toys stare at each other with the same sign of "Come on, how can I know how many books he bought yesterday when I'm not his soft toy and every one of my soft toy copies, Elder sister Penguin and Harmony Bear copies Jing Lu, Funshine Bear and Love a lot Bear copies Cottonsocks, Wish Bear copies Lamb and Secret Bear copies Wei Lu.*
Acke Wood: Raise your whiteboards! *All of the contestants raise their whiteboards* Everybody is wrong except for... Doggy!!!Doggy gets 5 points!
Cottonsocks: 5
Doggy: 5
Elder sister Penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 8
Harmony Bear: 5
Heart Bear: 5
Jing Lu: 0
Lamb: 5
Love a lot Bear: 5
Secret Bear: 8
Wei Lu: 5
Wish Bear: 8
Duckie: *Puts up a question which reads: "Which animal group does the Salamander belong to?
A) Mammal
B) Amphibians
C) Birds
D) Arachnids"*
Penguin jie jie and Harmony Bear: *Scratches head*
Funshine Bear, Wish Bear, Love a lot Bear and Secret Bear: *Writes B on their whiteboards*
Heart Bear: *Writes D on his whiteboard*
Jing Lu and Lamb: *Writes B on their whiteboard*
Wei Lu: *Writes C on his whiteboard*
Cottonsocks: *Copies Funshine bear*
Doggy: *Copies Wish Bear*
Elder sister penguin and Harmony Bear: *Time out*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards* All of the soft toys except Heart Bear and Wei Lu gets 4 points while Harmony Bear and Elder sister penguin gets time out!
Cottonsocks: 9
Doggy: 9
Elder sister Penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 12
Harmony Bear: 5
Heart Bear: 5
Jing Lu: 4
Lamb: 9
Love a lot Bear: 9
Secret Bear: 12
Wei Lu: 9
Wish Bear: 12
Duckie: Next question! *Writes a question which reads "What is the colour pencil colouring method which has horizontal strokes?
A) Hatching
B) Stippling
C) Cross-Hatching
D) Toning"*
Elder sister penguin: *Scratches head*
Wish Bear, Harmony Bear, Funshine Bear, Secret Bear and Love a lot Bear: *Writes A on their whiteboard*
Jing Lu: I don't know. *Copies Elder sister penguin*
Lamb: *Copies Funshine Bear*
Cottonsocks: *Writes A on his whiteboard*
Wei Lu: *Writes C on his whiteboard*
Doggy: *Writes B on his whiteboard*
Heart Bear: *Copies Harmony Bear*
A few seconds later...
Elder sister penguin: *Randomly guesses and writes B on whiteboard*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards* The answer is... A! 5 points for everyone except Elder sister penguin, Wei Lu, Doggy and Jing Lu!
Cottonsocks: 14
Doggy: 9
Elder sister penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 17
Harmony Bear: 10
Heart Bear: 10
Jing Lu: 4
Lamb: 14
Love a lot Bear: 14
Secret Bear: 17
Wei Lu: 9
Wish Bear: 17
Lambie:*Signs up at the registration counter for questions giver* I have a question!
Duckie: Sure thing! Bring it on!
Lambie: What did Lynn post on Ace Swan Blog on 29 Dec?
A) Lego stuff
B) Soft toy stuff
C) Other
D) None"*
Lamb and Cottonsocks: *Writes C on their whiteboard*
Heart Bear and Wei Lu: *Writes A on their whiteboard*
Jing Lu: *Writes B on his whiteboard*
Doggy: *Writes D on his whiteboard*
*45 seconds later...*
Lambie: 15 seconds left!
Funshine Bear, Love a lot Bear, Elder sister penguin and Secret Bear: *Writes A on their whiteboards*
Harmony Bear: *Writes D on her whiteboard*
Wish Bear: *Writes B on her whiteboard*
Lambie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise their whiteboards* The answer is... D! She posted nothing! Harmony Bear and Doggy gets 5 points!
Cottonsocks: 14
Doggy: 14
Elder sister Penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 17
Harmony Bear: 15
Heart Bear: 10
Jing Lu: 4
Lamb: 14
Love a lot Bear: 14
Secret Bear: 17
Wei Lu: 9
Wish Bear: 17
Duckie: *Puts up a question which reads: *When was the latest post by Anne Lim on her Amore Ocean blog?
A) 8 January
B) 1 January
C) 14 January
D) She hasn't posted since December 2013"*
Elder sister penguin: *Writes D on her whiteboard*
Wish Bear, Funshine Bear, Harmony Bear, Love a lot Bear and Secret Bear: *Writes C on their whiteboard*
Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear: We checked the Amore Ocean blog yesterday! *Writes A on their whiteboards*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *All of the contestants raise their whiteboads*...Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear gets 2 points...
Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear: YAY!!!
Cottonsocks: 16
Doggy: 16
Elder sister penguin: 9
Funshine Bear: 17
Harmony Bear: 15
Heart Bear: 12
Jing Lu: 6
Lamb: 16
Love a lot Bear: 14
Secret Bear: 17
Wei Lu: 11
Wish Bear: 17
Elder sister Penguin: You guys are so unfair! I haven't seen my owner's mum's blog since December 2013 while you guys have a fresh memory of it!
Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear: It's your fault that you never check.
Duckie: Last question! *Puts up a question on the board which reads "Which one of these answers is in the nervous system?
A) Kidneys
B) Bladder
C) Brain
D) None of the above"*
Elder sister Penguin: *Writes C on her whiteboard* I soooo love science!
The other soft toys except Harmony Bear writes C also.
Harmony Bear: *Writes D on her whiteboard*
Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear: C. Of course it's C!
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards* Everyone gets 1 point except for Harmony Bear!
Cottonsocks: 17
Doggy: 17
Funshine Bear: 18
Harmony Bear: 15
Heart Bear: 13
Jing Lu: 7
Lamb: 17
Love a lot Bear: 15
Penguin jie jie: 10
Secret Bear: 18
Wei Lu: 12
Wish Bear: 18
Announcer: Wish Bear, Secret Bear, Funshine Bear, Lamb, Cottonsocks, Doggy, Harmony Bear and Love a lot Bear go to the finals!
1st: 18 points
Secret Bear
Funshine Bear
Wish Bear
2nd: 17 points
3rd: 15 points
Love a Lot Bear
Harmony Bear
Elder sister penguin: Awww.... *leaves the show place and gets some goodies from the souvenir store. After that, she leaves that place and takes a taxi home*
Duckie: It's DA ULTIMATE QUESTION!!!! What does "Give someone the benefit of the doubt" mean? Is it
A) Criticise someone when the person is absent
B) someone you like/love most
C) Trust a person's words even if it's possible or not
D) in a bad mood
Lamb, Cottonsocks and Doggy: *Writes C on their whiteboards*
Harmony Bear: Errrm...
Wish Bear and Funshine Bear: *Writes C on their whiteboards*
Love a lot Bear: *Writes D on her whiteboards*
1 minute later...
*Harmony Bear gets timeout*
Duckie: Raise your whiteboards! *The contestants raise up the whiteboards* All of the soft toys except Harmony Bear and Love a lot Bear gets 100 points!
(Note: There's another bonus round if there happens to be soft toys who tied for the first position for Smarter than a Primary 6, a game inspired by the Facebook game called "Smarter than a 5th grader?")
Duckie: Here's the real ultimate question for those who tied! *Puts up a question which reads "What animal group does sharks belong to?
A) Mammals
B) Fishes
C) It's a trick question
D) Reptiles"*
Lamb, Cottonsocks and Doggy: B!
Wish Bear: Hmm...
Funshine Bear: *Writes C on his whiteboard*
*Wish Bear gets timeout*
Duckie: And the winner is... FUNSHINE BEAR! FUNSHINE BEAR GETS AN EXTRA 20 POINTS AND GETS 20 TICKET TO A NINJAGO GAME SHOW! Now, Funshine Bear, choose a number from 1-50 to determine which Ninjago Game show tickets you will get! There are 3 types- 1 is the normal Ninjago where you use the typical spinjitzu move(if you are a fan of Ninjago you should know what I'm talking about) ,another 1 is where the competitors have to turn into their super potential forms to fight, and last but not least is merely just a pull off from the Ninjago elements and combined with Tennis, you get Elemental Tennis! So choose a number!
Funshine Bear: Hmm... 33!
Duckie: You got it my friend! *Starts calculating* Oh, so you got Elemental Tennis tickets! Would you like audience tickets or participant tickets?
Funshine Bear: Make 'em half. As in, like, 10 participant tickets and 10 audience tickets.
Duckie: Okay! *Gets the tickets and gives Funshine Bear* Have a nice day!
Funshine Bear: *Leaves the show place and leaves the building. He drives his taxi home*
Duckie: *Mans the lucky draw station* Welcome to the Lucky draw! Here, as long as you get at least 100 points in your latest round, you get to stand a chance to win prizes! But you need to sign up for it though, you aren't automatically in just because you got 100 or more points!
Lamb, Cottonsocks and Doggy: Me! Me!
Duckie: Okay your names are in! Anyone else before I spin the whe- erm I mean pick out the names?
Wish Bear: Me! Me!
Funshine Bear: Me too!
Duckie: Okay! Let's spin the- I mean, draw out the names! My owner's best friend, pick a number from 1-50!
My best friend: 37!
Duckie: Okay... so there are 5 soft toys... so it will go around all 5 soft toys 7 times... and- wait, who wanted to participate first? :S
Lamb: Me!
Duckie: Second one?
Cottonsocks: Me!
Doggy: I'm third!
Duckie: Congrats! Cottonsocks is the winner! Now, Cottonsocks, pick a number for the prizes which is between 1-50, the prizes being Lego, Care Bear Soft toys, Fruit Ninja soft toys and a crossword puzzle book!
Cottonsocks: Oh! Me! 21!
Duckie: Okay we just got a new item which is a ticket to a Ninjago show! Okay let's see... 4 rounds after the 5 items and-
Cottonsocks: What's my prize? I'm so "egg-cited"!
Duckie: Ooh you got a Lego set as your prize! Choose another number between 1-50 for the theme!
Cottonsocks: Oh! Ok! Number 13!
Duckie: Erm...*Looks at the Lego website to see which theme he got* You got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for your theme? :S
Cottonsocks: *Shows a vomit expression, signalling that he doesn't like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.*
Duckie: Oh you could of choose 32 then you can get the most neutral theme which is Lego city!
Cottonsocks: Oh well, just go with 13.
Duckie: Or 2. Whichever you choose. :P But anyway, too late. If you want to withdraw, go ahead.
Cottonsocks: 13 it is.
Duckie: N-no I mean withdraw as in get out of the Lucky Draw! *face palms*
Cottonsocks: I don't want to withdraw!
Duckie: Oh okay, then as usual choose a number from 1-50 to determine the set you'll be getting.
Cottonsocks: 34.
Duckie: Okay Cottonsocks your Lego set is...*Checks the Lego Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles website* THE SHELL RAISER STREET CHASE! Congratulations and have fun with your new Lego set!
Cottonsocks: Thanks! :D But I don't know what's that.
Duckie: *Gives Cottonsocks that set* Have a nice day!
Cottonsocks: :D *Leaves the Smarter than a Primary 6 place and goes back to Lambapore*
Duckie: *Leaves the place and takes the nearest MRT station to Softgo Point. Then, he walks back to his house, along with Harmony Bear*
Half an hour later...
*All of the soft toys that registered for things in the place goes back to their houses such as Lamb, Cottonsocks, Jing Lu, Wei Lu, Doggy and Heart Bear returning to Lambapore and Elder sister Penguin, Funshine Bear, Harmony Bear, Love a lot Bear, Secret Bear and Wish Bear returning to their homes in soft toy land*
Here are the pictures of the soft toys mentioned in this post.
Heart Bear(This is my best friend's soft toy, as well as his picture) |
Love a lot Bear |
Funshine Bear |
Duckie and Harmony Bear |
Wish Bear |
Secret Bear |
Elder sister penguin |
Written by Lynn