Showing posts with label Lego Bionicle MOCs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lego Bionicle MOCs. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lego Bionicle "2015" Toa self MOC: Toa Zarflame, Toa of fire and sonics

Here's my Lego Bionicle "2015" Toa MOC, Toa Zarflame, Toa of fire!(2015 by build style, 2001-2010 backstory, and he also has the geared arm function thingy!!! :D) Here are 4 pictures of him.

Zarflame on his vehicle 
Zarflame and his vehicle

front view

back view

Here's his profile.
Name: Zarflame
Elements: A born hybrid of flame and sonics
Weapons: (Matoran) small blades (Toa) Twin blades, one side with a small shield(small compared to the rest of his body)
Matoran skills: Like most Ta-Matoran, he was a skilled mask maker before becoming a Toa
Personality: He is somewhat hot-headed,occasionally shy and a bit timid
Kanohi: Great Hamatu(mask of shielding, illusions and telekinesis)
Matoran Life:
Zarflame was a Matoran born to have the elements of fire and sonics. Despite this, he picked up more of a Ta-matoran's skills, and even though Matoran of sonics have a sense of hearing that is too sensitive, Zarflame's was sensitive, but it wasn't too sensitive that sounds too near him could kill him. He made Kanoka disks, masks and the disk launchers. Soon, he started up a business selling a variety of disks, masks, and disk launchers, and all sold well. He also made a mask for himself, as he didn't like his current one, which was just the Kanohi Hau, the mask of shielding. He wanted more than just shielding, and in fact, also wanted to have the power of telekinesis and making illusions. So, he decided to use the combinations of the disks used for each of the powers and made it into a mask for himself.  A few months later, He was selected to be a Toa, and he brought the Toa stone to a place to activate it, changing him into a Toa.
Toa Life:
Zarflame never really tried to fulfill his destiny by sacrificing his Toa powers as he really wanted to be a Toa and had no plans of turning into a Turaga. Despite this, he still does his job of keeping the Matoran safe. He requested to get a physical shield made by his best friend when he was a Matoran despite the fact that he already has a mask which can help him shield. Though his best friend found him a bit weird, he still built it for him. As a Toa, Zarflame protected Metru Nui until it fell to the hands of Teridax in the disguise of Turaga Dume. Then, he and the matoran pods went to the island of Mata Nui. He continued protecting the Matoran from there.
However, at one point, his toa team, called Toa Matri, comprising of only him, Shadotaka(Toa of light and dark/Toa of Twilight), a Toa of Ice and Lightning(which I have not named) and Aerow(Toa of air and magnetism) got captured by a Makuta(not Makuta Teridax) and were placed into 'Toa pods'. Before the Toa got stripped of their powers, Zarflame broke free from the pod and got the other 2 of his members too, and eventually defeated the Makuta that captured them. After that, they went back to protecting the matora on the Island of Mata Nui.
After the defeat of Teridax, he evacuated to Spherus Magna with his team and protected the matoran and agori there.

Written by Lynn

Monday, October 6, 2014

A picture of my Lego Hero Factory/Bionicle '2015' self MOCs

Here is just a picture I made for fun with a 'split' for my Hero Factory and Bionicle self MOC. :P

(Left to right) Zarflame, Shaun Burst
Yes, Shaun Burst's clamps changed, and Zarflame is going to be red in colour until I get some more purple parts for him. :P That's it for now. :P

Written by Lynn

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Children's day special: Pictures of Hero Factory(HF)'s run (2010-[2014?])

Yes I know it is 1 day late for Children's day special, but who said I must not do it late? Basically, what I have for children's day special is pictures depicting HF's run simply because HF took place in my childhood more than other Lego themes that I do like. Enjoy!
Note 1: Please do not think that I am trying to insult Hero Factory, I actually like it, but this is simply for humour and fun purposes only
Note 2: Those characters which I've only identified with colours means I can't and am too lazy to think up of a name for. 

Warstone: What in the world are you, you shortie guy with a H on your chest?!
Breez: I'm Breez, and I will capture you because Hero Factory will replace Bionicle!
Warstone: WHAT?!

Breez: *Shoots boomerangs at Warstone*

Warstone: *Gets shot*

Breez: Yes!

2011(first wave)

White hero: Hold it right there you fire villain!
Fire villain: You think you can beat me? Not a chance!

White hero: *Shoots the fire villain*

Fire villain: *Gets shot down*

White hero: Victory is mine! Oh yeah!

2011(Second wave)

Silver male hero: Oh my goodness why am I upgraded with 3.0 stuff when I ain't even going anyway?(Hints to me only getting one set from this particular wave, which is Bulk 3.0)


Red hero: You're not going anywhere just because it is breakout!

Blue and green villain: *Shoots the hero down* Mwahahahahahahaha!

Blue and green villain: *Flees from the prison*
*A few minutes later...*

Blue and green villain: Oh c'mon, won't you Hero Factory heroes ever rest?
Red hero: You're caught and cuffed, again!
Blue and green villain:  ||-_- *face palms*


Silver female hero: Squash the brain parasites' red spikes!
(This is all I have to describe for 2013 really :P )



White hero: OH MY BRICK...
Invasion from below(IFB) Villain: *Aims his weapon at white hero*
White hero: Uh oh...

IFB Villain: *Shoots fire at the white hero*
White hero: *Runs away while screaming*

*A few minutes later...*

White hero: Now this is my kind of mech! An upsized version of myself!

White hero: *Aims at IFB villain*
IFB villain: *Aims at White hero's mech*

White hero: *Controls his mech to pull trigger first and shoots IFB villain down*

White hero: Oh yes!


Blue hero: *Does his prison guard duty*

Warstone: *Appears, kicks blue hero down and presses him down with his leg*

Warstone: Ha! Now it's our turn to replace you now! We, bionicles, RULE!

Shadotaka: Uh, dude, you do realise you are outdated in your armouring and limbs do you?
Warstone: Huh? *Accidentally releases his grip off blue hero*
Blue hero: *Secretly crawls away while they are chatting*
Shadatako: Wait, don't tell me you haven't seen the pictures yet but you know Bionicle's coming back?!
Warstone: Uh so why are you like a Hero factory guy with a bionicle mask or something like that?

Shadatako: I was made as a Bionicle MOC meant for following the style of bionicle 2015 so that's why I'm even like this in the first place and I look different for the old bionicle guys do you understand?
Warstone: Uhhh... not exactly because I do not understand why are we using that stupid successor of ours' system.
Shadatako: It's not just used by HF anymore, it's now used by chima ultrabuilds, superhero ultrabuilds... and simply not really just Hero factory specific anymore. In fact, it is called CCBS which stands for Character Creature Building System. Oh, by the way, I feel like my limbs won't crack anytime soon using this system!
Warstone: Uh... okay?

Warstone: *Turns his head around to see where is blue hero but he is gone. In shock, he almost falls down but Shadotaka catches him in time* WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO HIM I THOUGHT I HAD HIM UNDER MY FOOT WHILE TALKING TO YOU JUST NOW!
Shadotaka: You might have accidentally released your grip on him while chatting with me just now.
Warstone: WHAT?!
That's it for now and I hope you enjoyed these comics!

Written by Lynn

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My thoughts on bionicle's sets in 2015

Well, my opinions are more or less like the old ones, but now that I've seen the finalised pics of the bionicle 2015 sets, here's my opinion on the actual sets.(See my thoughts on Bionicle's return ITSELF here)

Tahu: I actually liked the preliminary pictures of his mask better, now it looks hardly anything like his old mask, probably except for the iconic circle at the bottom middle of his mask. (Which has been on him since he was a Toa Mata, Toa Nuva and stuff)
Gali: Looks feminine(ish) enough for a female Toa Master. I don't really have much comment on the mask, but that mask does look female. Also not much comment on her appearance and stuff, but I'm not sure whether she's using the normal Surge blue or a new shade of blue for the action figures series.
Lewa: EWWWW his mask is gross! His mask looks like a green Stormer mask with an extended top! O_o The only reason that I would ever get him is probably for the parts. Also, apparently on the box label it says "Lewa Master of Jungle" which is a bit weird because he has always been the Toa/master of air and yet he suddenly gets turned into a master of the jungle. What's up with that? 
Pohatu: TRANSPARENT BRIGHT YELLOW BONE PIECES FOR THE FIRST TIME OMG!!!!!!! Which is quite obvious because he literally and figuratively extends his arm outwards. :P :P :P And he also has BROWN!!!!!!!!! Brown is like a colour we hardly see in HF sets so it would be good to get him.  As for his mask... it looks more like a squashed version of his Toa Mata mask.
Kopaka: O_o Did he turn into a juggernaut or some super bulky guy here? That looks nothing like he did in the past with so much armour. O_O Though I do like making my hero factory MOCs bulky, I really don't know why would a more-or-less not so bulky Kopaka get turned into the bulky guy of the year? Also, the sides of his lower legs look a bit open. As for his mask, well it looks like it was inspired more from his Toa Mata mask than his Toa Nuva one. He still has his iconic scope(obviously).
Onua: Uhhhhh.... I don't know? As of the time I'm typing this post I still haven't seen the finalised Onua picture yet, but if I'm going to judge him based on his preliminary picture, I think he may be purple and black which purple is my favourite colour and I really need more purple!!!! I can't judge his mask at all because I simply cannot see it clearly.
LoSS(Lord of Skull Spiders): Looks okay-ish I think... Unfortunately its head cannot be articulated. Also it has transparent reddish orange(or is it just transparent red?) beams connecting its limbs! 
Apparently the sets aren't really too complicated and I think Lego probably shouldn't have discarded all the old Lego bionicle weapon and mask molds after all... look at the designs now O_o Also, it seems like the masters will have gear functions like they did when they were Toa Mata/Toa Nuva, especially with Pohatu's back having an obvious gear sticking out. Overall I am excited for this!
Update as of 11 October 2014: I saw a finalised picture of Onua! He looks fine I guess. :P Also, he has PURPLE!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! His mask also looks quite good.

Written by Lynn

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My opinion on Bionicle's return in 2015

Wow, this is so weird! The picture of bionicle with Hero Factory(HF) pieces(they aren't exclusive to HF, but they were introduced in HF so that's why a LOT of people call the big action figure styled building pieces HF pieces :P), are you telling me you are copying what I did to Mizu(Oh well Mizu wasn't totally made with HF parts but quite a lot of pieces on him are)? :P Ok that was just a joke now to get to the serious part.
I am willing to try it, since when I first knew of Lego and Bionicle I was very young so I couldn't really grasp the storyline since Bionicle had a 8 year history when I knew of such thing called Lego Bionicle. :P I do want to see how would the new Bionicle turn out to be, and also GET THE MASKS!!!!!!! :P :P :P Also, I think it would be better to use the HF pieces since they are better in terms of quality(the 2008 and after pieces were really poor in quality, no offence meant to any Bionicle fans that read this). Oh well, this is my opinion on this! That's it for now!
(Note: This is quite more or less official, since a moderator on the Lego Message Boards actually announced that Bionicle WILL return)

Written by Lynn

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lego Bionicle MOC: DF-M01

Here's my Lego Bionicle MOC, DF-M01(Defender-Model 1)! Here are 3 pictures of it.

DF-M01 w/ weapon pointing to the camera

Back view

Close up on claw hand
Here's its background.
Background: DF-M01 was Kriger's first made defender robot and this defender robot was powered by the very essence of the shadow stones, but he did handle the shadow stone with metal tong like things and kept short exposure so that he would not be addicted to them. He places it into the core of the robot(which is behind the robot's armour) to use the shadow stones to power his robot. He makes his robots not be able to be addicted to shadow stones, so that his robots won't become addicted to shadow stones, wanting more and more everytime. Also, his defender robots have artificial intelligence, so that it will know who to fight and who not to fight. After the last of the shadow stone mines were shut off and was banned from mining, Kriger had to find a new source of power, which was light stones. The light stones powered his robots just as well, or probably even better and he is currently using them for his other robots too.
That's it for now and I hoped you like this MOC!
Written by Lynn

Monday, January 6, 2014

Lego Bionicle Glatorian MOC: Kriger

Here's my Lego Bionicle Glatorian MOC, Kriger(Danish for warrior)! Here's a picture of it.

Tribe: None, though his colours seem as a cross between the water tribe, jungle tribe and fire tribe.
Type: Warrior, loner
Personality: Kriger is a peacemaker, and also doesn't really mind being just a member, though he would be happy to be leader. He also does not tolerate dirty tricks like Strakk's.
Status: Alive
Weapon: A long staff like bladed weapon that can act as a spear as a sword. Kriger, however, prefers using it as a sword, though when enemies are far but not out of the weapon's range, he uses it as a spear.
Background: Kriger was somehow a cross between a water tribe, fire tribe and jungle tribe member and was greatly rejected by all three tribes and became a loner. However, he had met Ayaziwa and became friends since. 
He particpated in the core war with Ayaziwa and other similar glatorian for the energized protodermis. However, for some reason, his right hand was cut during the war. After the Shattering, he ended up on Bara Magna. 
Because of his right hand being cut, he had made himself an artificial claw hand since he is a robot engineer. After the glatorian system was found and was ready, he started participating in the great tournaments and was found with winning streaks(which was before the arrival of Feroz in the great tournaments). Then, his friend, Ayaziwa, requested Kriger to train him some of Kriger's moves. He accepted it and started training Ayaziwa, while still participating in the tournaments. Kriger sometimes also goes out and hunts for materials to make weapons to sell to other Glatorians. Being a robot engineer also, he also uses the materials used to make weapons to make robots for his own use, some big and bulky, and also defensive, while some are digging bots which helps him on his scavenges. He has around 2 robots that help him make weapons, since 2 of his weapons are quite popular in the Glatorian community, and these 2 activities make him very rich. He is currently in the newly reformed Spherus Magna.
That's it for now and I hoped you like this MOC!
Written by Lynn

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lego bionicle glatorian MOC: Ayaziwa

Here's my Lego bionicle glatorian MOC, Ayaziwa(means unknown in Zulu, since this glatorian MOC practically has no particular tribe, but rather, a bounty hunter and I used google translate for his name)! Here are 2 pictures of it.

Front view

Back view
Tribe: None, though his colour seems to be a cross between the water and fire tribes.
Type: Glatorian up for hire
Personality: Ayaziwa is a glatorian that will work for the highest bidder and try his best to help that tribe to win. However, the only reason he does this is to get money for his living needs, like buying food, water etc. If anything, his true personality is a selfish, cunning and up-to-date warrior who will do anything to get money.
Status: Alive
Weapons: A large bladed sword and Thronax riffle
Background: Ayaziwa was a glatorian that was somehow a cross between a water tribe and fire tribe member. Because of this, he was greatly rejected by both tribes, and thus became a loner. However, he had still fought in the core war for the energized protodermis. After the Shattering, he ended up on Bara Magna.
Somehow, he managed to enter into the glatorian system and was a glatorian up for hire. The first tribe to hire him was the fire tribe, after many years gone, Ackar retired and Malum was exiled, so the fire tribe really had no available glatorian that would fight with weapons and close combat. His first battle was a huge success, after  many years of free training under a great warrior from Ayaziwa's group and his friend from the core war. Later, the fire tribe had continuously paid his salary for him to continue fighting for the fire tribe. Later, the Ice tribe hired him as well since Gelu and Strakk were gone, and Ayaziwa was for fighting for the ice tribe and fire tribe, receiving huge pays, huge enough for his survival for a whole year of food, weaponry, water etc. However, he still takes training from his friend to become an even better glatorian warrior.
That's it for now and I hoped you like this MOC!

Written by Lynn

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Lego Bionicle Glatorian MOC: Mizu

Here's my Lego bionicle MOC, Mizu!(Japanese for water, but the actual character itself is actually the same character for chinese that means water[水] and I used google translate for his name) Here are 2 pictures of him.

Front view

Back view
Here's his profile.
Tribe: Water
Type: Warrior
Personality: A calm and cool guy, Mizu acts calmly even in situations of distress. He is also a cool head, not one who gets angry easily. A loner, he doesn't enjoy working as a team member with others and prefers fighting alone, like Amos Swordman. However, he does like to be leader when he's in a team, like in the core war when he was a leader of a small group of water tribe Glatorians. Although, he is one that does not accept failure from himself or his own fellow warriors, as shown with his lost in his battle between Feroz and himself.
Status: Alive
Weapon(s): Scythe, though he may be sometimes seen with a thornax launcher, it's usually uncommon to see him use that weapon
Background: Mizu was a warrior that arose from the water tribe, and also has winning streaks when it comes to fighting other tribe's warriors, with an exception of Feroz.
Mizu, like most of the other tribe's warriors, fought in the Core War under the Element Lord of Water and once fought with Feroz's army, but his group of glatorians were severely injured thanks to the attacks of Feroz. After the Shattering, he ended up on Bara Magna like most warriors.
After the Glatorian system was made, Tarix, Kiina and Mizu were commonly sent to get the resources that they are fighting over and these 3 glatorian have great winning streaks. However, once, when Mizu was sent to fight Feroz, Mizu shivered in fear because he had met Feroz before in the core war, and knew he was a very strong warrior, since Feroz himself had beaten up all of Mizu's group's glatorian warriors, without his team helping out. Upon the thought of that, he ended up staring into space and caused Feroz to have a chance to strike him, which caused the water tribe to lose to the rock tribe. The rock tribe soldiers and Agori cheered upon the winning of Feroz. Angered, Mizu swore to defeat him on his next battle, but for some reason, he can't seem to ever make it to his goal. Other than Feroz, he has defeated other tribes' glatorian, and also defeated lots of skrall, despite Skrall being usually stronger and faster than average glatorian. Mizu also participated in defeating the evil skrall once and for all with other glatorian like their prime glatorian, Tarix, which Tuma and the Makuta Teridax were taken down for good. Mizu also now currently lives in the newly formed Spherus Magna.
That's it for now I hoped you like this MOC!
Fun facts:
The 'helmet' I used for this MOC is actually Bruizer's head piece... thingy, placed on a glatorian/breakout head.(The ones with the face printing) Come to think of it, it looks great!
I actually intended for this character to be an undercover skrall in the water tribe, but I decided against that since he has most of the water tribe colour scheme.

Written by Lynn

Friday, January 3, 2014

Lego Bionicle Glatorian MOC: Feroz

Here's my Lego Bionicle MOC, Feroz!(this word means fierce in another language. Forgot what it was and I used google translate for his name) Here are 2 pictures of it.

Front view(both lower legs have the wide black armour piece, JSYK, since the picture doesn't show that clearly)

Back view
Here's his profile.
Tribe: Rock Tribe(he's a skrall)
Type: Elite Skrall
Personality: Unlike other skrall, Feroz treats doesn't treat other Glatorian badly or with little to no respect. Like most skrall, he wants glory. He is also a brutal elite warrior, and is also quite smart.
Status: Alive
Weapons: Double bladed staff, a riffle, Thronax Launcher and a gun that shoots out lasers
Background: Feroz was a very strong elite skrall and was probably close to the power of Striker(the mysterious skrall warrior).
Feroz, like most of the skrall, fought in the core war under the Elemental lord of Rock and had caused all of Mizu's group of water glatorians severely injured. After the Shattering, like most skrall, he had ended up on Bara magna and went to the northern parts of that island.
Not much was known of Feroz when he was at North, but it was known that Feroz had saved one of the skrall warriors from a shape shifting Baterra, nearly sacrificing his life for that warrior and also scared the Baterra away, and was granted the name, Feroz. He also promised him that he will get an elite warrior position once they migrate south and have established a tribe. Indeed, Tuma kept his promise. However, when Tuma wanted power and wanted to take over Bara Magna, Feroz was mad. He thought they would just be an ordinary tribe, but instead Tuma wanted to take over Bara Magna. He had prayed hard for the day Tuma would be defeated and destroyed, and the day did come. He was happy. He could finally take control of his own life and became a loner since. He could finally participate in the great tournaments. When he entered it, he had a winning streak thanks to a move he invented, called "Unconscious strike", which, when hit at the correct part of an enemy, it will cause him/her to be unconscious for more than 10 seconds, which lets him be able to win. However, this strike will never cause any actual injury(surprising) and will not kill the opponent. With this move, he is hard to defeat on the arenas, but you definitely not want to mess with him when he has even more surprises up on his sleeves, whether it be ambushes, enemies, sneak-up-from-the-back-attacks etc. Like most glatorian, he now currently lives in the newly formed Spherus Magna.
That's it for now and I hoped you like this bionicle MOC!

Written by Lynn

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Officially blog happy new year!!

Here's my blog officially saying Happy New year right before the next day comes(which where in my country school starts)! So here's a picture for all of my blog fans!

So, basically, this picture reveals that I will putting up a bunch of my Hero Factory MOCs that I made(well you can see on the left side there's a bunch of Hero Factory MOCs, and at Elder sister penguin's left is another Hero Factory MOC with a mix of Bionicle parts, so you could say that is also a representative of Bionicle MOCs, because I've yet to show 6 that I've built, took a picture of, and disassembled them for other things). Also, there's a chima character that I made called 'Evar' standing at the left side of the Lego letters which read "BYE 2013, HI 2014". Well, he's mentioned in 3 of my 2013 blog posts, and I never really posted an entire post about him alone. Basically, he was my chima online closed beta character(you can't make custom names) and all I remember was that the first part of his name is 'eerie' in chima online. Don't ask why I chose eerie in that game, I just didn't know the meaning of this word at that time(which was last year around the June holidays). So, as per what Google says, it says that 'eerie' means 'strange and frightening' which is absolutely not what I'm looking for in Evar. Maybe I'll choose a better name if I ever get access to chima online in my country again. *Sigh* But anyways let's get back to the happy stuff! :D And with the appearance of Evar that also means more chima MOCs! Also, the red ninja on the brown and orange dragon is Mike from my Ninjago story series: The greater weapons of power! The dragon is also the dragon from that said series as well! And as for my penguin... well, she is my beloved soft toy and I put her in almost all of the pictures involving the blog overall. :P So, I guess hopefully I can put up some normal soft toys talkings and soft toy book chats... it's been, like, 3 months since I posted one(well it would be 4 if you immediately count 1st Jan as another month done already). Well, anyway, happy new year, bye 2013, hi 2014 and look forward to more stuff coming up on the Ace Swan blog! :D

Written by Lynn

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lego Hero Factory villain/Bionicle MOC: Slimey Reepa

Here's my Lego Hero Factory villain/Bionicle MOC, Slimey Reepa! Here are 2 pictures of him.

Here's his profile.
Name: Slimey Reepa
Weapon: Staff with thronax launcher on the top
Colours: Gold, blue, orangey-yellow and lime green
Personality: When Slimey Reepa was in the Bionicle region, he was fiercely protective of his friends and the other slime tribe members. However, in his regards towards Hero Factory, he really hates it for being his 'replacer' and wants to destroy it.
Affiliation: None
Status: Alive, currently in Hero Factory prison
"Hero Factory is my worst nightmare! It replaced me! I must destroy it!"
Background: Slimey Reepa was once a highly ranked Glatorian in the Slime Tribe. He fought with other glatorian and won many battles and helped his tribe get a lot of things. He even won the Grand Tournament once. After Makuta Teridax died, he resided in Spherus Magna like any other Glatorian. However, when he knew Hero Factory came into existence and known to be 'Bionicle's replacer', he was mad and since swore to destroy Hero Factory no matter the costs. He wreaked havoc in Makuhero City a lot and Hero Factory continuously sent heroes to capture him, but to no avail until after the breakout, Tim Blast arrived with Shockiburst who wanted to become a hero. So, he was outfitted with hero armour and set off to battle Slimey Reepa. Burst eventually won and took Slimey Reepa back to Hero Factory, caught and cuffed. Then, he was put into villain storage.

Written by Lynn

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lego Bionicle Toa and Matoran MOC: Lightfire

Here's my Bionicle Toa and Matoran MOC, Lightfire! In case you don't know, Bionicle was the theme that was before Hero Factory and Hero Factory was its replacement. Anyway, here's a picture of it.

Toa Form
Matoran form

Here's his profile.
Name: Lightfire
Elements: (Matoran)Fire,(Toa) Fire and lighting
Weapons: (Matoran) None, (Toa) Lightning Sniper riffle and fire and lighting blade, shoulder-mounted lightning blaster
Matoran skills: Unlike most of the other Ta-Matoran, he is great at building weapons which are a little oversized for a Matoran to use instead of making masks. The weapon size were more usable for the Toa.(Which he became Toa himself and used the weapons he made as a Matoran)
Personality: Unlike most other Toa of Fire, his personality was more of like the Toa of Ice, but with an exception-he will never ever join a Toa Team, even if required. He prefers to stay alone and do the job of fighting for justice in Spherus Magna, which is where all of the Toa currently alive are living and he is living inside the Great Volcano along with the rest of the fire toa. 
Kanohi: Akaku, mask of X-ray vision
Matoran life:
Lightfire was a Ta-Matoran living on Ta Metru before Teridax's death. Unlike other Ta-Matoran, he did not take up all the usual jobs. Instead, he made weapons and was fascinated with the bolts of lightning that he sees during storms. Somehow, his weapons are always way too large for the Matoran but the right size for the Toa. The materials he used for the weapons are rare materials found in lava.
How he became a Toa with 2 elements:
Once, after he was sold out of weapons for the Toa, he closed the shop and he went to another part of Metru Nui and sat in his small quickly built hut to enjoy seeing the lightning bolts of the storm. Then, he saw a Toa running outside and that Toa held a lot of Toa Stones in his hands. He accidentally dropped a Toa Stone outside Lightfire's small hut door. When he activated the Toa Stone, the influence of the environment made him have the element of both Lightning and Fire.
Toa Life:
Once he was transformed into a Toa, he went back to Ta Metru and took 3 of the weapons he made as a Matoran which were the lightning blaster, lightning sniper riffle and fire and lightning blade. The lightning blaster was put on his shoulder as he didn't want to hold it on hand. His fire and Lightning blade was put at the back and he will only use it for close ranged fighting(Which he doesn't do often when fighting). He held his lightning sniper riffle on his hand because he liked to stand back and shoot at his enemies rather then going straight into the battlefield and fight. After Teridax's death, like other Toa, he evacuated to Spherus Magna. He is forging weapons in the Volcano for other Toa as he doesn't really have much to do after the death/disappearance of most villains.
Fact: Lightfire's mask is a Kanohi Akaku made in a shape of an Kanohi Ignika.(So it's not the Mask of life.)(But the piece itself is the Ignika. :P) 
Here's a picture of another weapon he has built and also the one he sold to the Toa(And Matoran too) when he was a Matoran.

Multi shot gun

His first gun was the Multi shot gun. Although this is the smallest weapon he has made, it was also the hottest guns that he sold because of how the size fits both Matoran and Toa. This was also when he discovered his talent of making weapons.
That's it for now and I hope you like this MOC!
Written by Lynn