Showing posts with label Art & crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art & crafts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Microsoft paint + a bit of pictures drawing: My custom dragon: Pure Metal Flame dragon

A little drawing of mine, the pure metal flame dragon! It's just  random little dragon that I mashed up between the Pure Flame and Pure Metal dragon :P And also, if the Dragon City developers can, I'd love to see this dragon made into a 3D like style and made as a new dragon in the game. Anyway, that's it for now!

Written by Lynn

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: Fruit Ninja Arcade mode scene + my thoughts on Fruit Ninja's latest update

Here I am back with Microsoft paint drawings  and instead of doing a Stick Run drawing and now I did Fruit Ninja! Basically this might probably be your typical fruit ninja scene(except for the lightning bolt that is an elite blade which I specifically 'advertised' it in the Anti Fruit Ninjas video) in arcade mode, with your bombs and fruits. Basically this scene happens to have the player to strike a 3 fruit combo but the person's best score apparently is very bad(I mean like 341 would probably be about my average score in Arcade mode my best is 917) but for some reason this guy still manages to buy a Lightning Bolt. :P
ALSO, prior to the new update, I had gotten a "taste" of it on my father's phone which already has the latest version for the Fruit Ninja Free version(not sure if the update for the free version and full version is the same but it should be similar in a way) and here are my thoughts.
1. Challenges for starfruit? AWESOME! Basically once you complete these challenges(which you can see when you pause the game OR after the game ends) you'll get around a range of 100-200 starfruit and they also give you a bonus by letting you watch advertisements in order to get starfruit.
2. New blades!(Definitely in the full version update too)
Wind Blade
Benjamin Blade
Comet Blade
Northern Lights Blade
Click the links to find out more on the new blades.
3. The picture of the blades can be seen even before unlocking them! But your locked blades will have a grey/silver outlining over the actual blade and with a small lock in the left hand corner to differ from those that have been unlocked.
1. The bomb deflects, berry blasts and peachy times prices went up! O_O They are crazy expensive now! 1 pack of 3 bomb deflects/berry blasts/peachy times costs 450 starfruit!!! I guess it's a good thing they added in the challenges, but still... I find it ridiculous, especially when the pack of 6/9 bomb deflects costs 2 times/3 times the amount of starfruit used to buy a pack of 3 bomb deflects respectively. So I do think this is ridiculous but I think they are doing this to earn more money from people buying more starfruit packs.
2. Guess what? All of the blades HAVE to be unlocked only by starfruits!!! No more objectives for you to do anymore to get blades! ||-_- Like I said they are probably doing this to earn more money from people that are buying more of the starfruit packs. So for those people who have gotten a majority of the blades before updating it you are very lucky. I suppose the elite blades won't be so 'elite' anymore, considering now all blades need starfruit to buy them, except the price is different. -_-
3. For I.O.S users your device(whether it be Iphone 3G/4S/5 or Ipad 1/2/mini/air) HAVE TO BE at least have I.O.S version 6.0 ||-_-
Unsure cons:
1. According to the Fruit Ninja Wikia, it seems that in the full version the normal multiplayer function where you can test your skills against other players worldwide is discontinued... I'm not so sure if it's true or not...
2. According to my best friend who just got this new version, he says that a lot of the starfruits which he sliced in the game only gave him 25 starfruit for the currency. I'm not sure if it's true or not because I haven't sliced a starfruit in my father's phone's Fruit Ninja game yet and my version is outdated :P
So basically I am in a dilemma whether to be happy or upset about this new update. Anyway this is my opinion so if you think otherwise please don't get mad and rant in the comments of this post. BTW here's proof of my new high score.

I didn't make a video of it because I was just playing and I suddenly went on a combo streak and got so many points so I only took a screenshot and this high score was all thanks to berry blast and peachy times as well. Oh by the way you see the number of bomb deflects in a tiny size for the numbers because there's this weird glitch ongoing in my Fruit Ninja and after a few rounds it suddenlly increases without me actually buying the bomb deflects and this is also starting to happen to my berry blasts too. :S If anyone has this glitch too please comment in the comments section below. That's it for now and I hoped you like the drawing!

Written by Lynn

Monday, February 24, 2014

A website to get free Facebook Credits/Gift cards

Well, do you still remember this picture from one of my posts this year? Well, I'm posting this picture AGAIN because I just found an awesome website to get free Facebook Gift cards/credits just by sharing the referral link they give you! Click to visit the website. So to get 2360 Facebook credits you need to get 20 clicks on the referral link(1 click=1 point). To get a $25 gift card you'll need to get 30 clicks on the referral link you get and this is especially useful for people in countries that don't have Walmart to buy the cards or for people that just DON'T want to spend their money for that. By the way, there are lots of other things you can get too with getting the points. Just click that link I put and you can see the offers available. That's it for now!

Written by Lynn

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: 2 stick men fighting and 1 stick man riding a motorcycle

 More stick run drawings! :D This time it's a battle between 2 stick men and another stick man riding on a motorcycle! Basically this stick man has a red helmet(I don't really know if this is an actual rare or just a rare made up by some guy who likes Stick Run) and as you can see I tried to make a transparent effect and you can see that the stick man actually wears Freaky(the red-green-blue spectacles). Then, the stick man holding the sword(there's no sword in stick run) has a custom black cap(there's no black cap in stick run), zombie shades(like I always say I hate the fact it is a zombie item but I just love its cool looks and it's a rare), blue bandanna(a rare), some white armour which is also not available in Stick Run and Ninja shoes which are also not in Stick Run. Then the Stick Man holding only 1 gun(there's actually guns in Stick Run :P) has the straw hat(a rare) and also the Zombie shades and JumperShoes. That's it for now and I hope you like this drawing!

Written by Lynn

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: Stick man holding up a golden shoes trophy

Basically this picture is just a picutre of a stick man holding up his stick man competition trophy up high on a mountain reassembling the golden shoes which is considered a very good rare. And then, there's a stick man whom is walking on the bridge looking at that trophy. And the stick man here also wears the RunnerShoes and ghost cap, but obviously this is the back view so you can't really see the accessories on his face. That's it for now and I hoped you like this drawing!
(This drawing was posted on Duckie's facebook once. You can see it by clicking here.)

Written by Lynn

Friday, February 14, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: 7 Stick men formed into letters

Basically this picture just my full name BUT the letters are actually stick men in letter positions. So the first part of my name "Lynn", the L in it has my stick run avatar(excluding the candy cane because it would look silly in the picture) and the rest are just plain stick men in letter positions. That's it for now and I hoped you like this picture! 
(One thing that just appeared in my mind is that the stick man forming O is actually doing impossible feats of men. :P I mean like, you can try to do what he is doing, but you'll never be able to get that shape. :P Oh well... never mind)

Written by Lynn

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: My stick run character confused with something

So here you see my stick run avatar confused. Why? I am actually confused over 1 thing: Why are the population of real doublers all hanging around in the Marketplace + sectors? I mean, it's just unfair to those that don't have the T pass and get scammed by scammers that might actually be newbies trying to get some rares or premiums in the normal market place. So this question really just hangs in my mind. If anyone knows, please answer me in the comments below this post. And yes I got the golden shoes I got them from here but I'll probably remove them at some point because I don't want to get banned. HOWEVER... if I win the event for getting 3 golden shoes on the Stick run item facebook page, I will wear the genuine one and do something else with the other 2. Anyway that's it for now and I hoped you like this drawing!
Written by Lynn

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: 2 stick men in stick run multiplayer

So let me name the stick men's stick run items.
Stick man jumping over the boxes:
Ghost cap(Rare)
Santa's glasses(Noob rare)
Blue bandanna(Rare)
(Nothing on the hands)
Yellow skin(default)
Diamond shoes(Premium[Sorry about the misconception in my drawing of the diamond shoes it was because of the shoes' glow and it made me not be able to see the colour of the outlining clearly])
Stick man jumping up halfway:
Money cap(or as traders like to call it 'M cap')(Noob rare)
Zombie shades(I don't like how it is called zombie shades but it looks cool)(rare)
(Nothing on the mouth)
Zombie claws(Don't like how it is called that)(rare)
Infected skin(only when a person completes Zombie set/Z set which is zombie shades, zombie claws and zombie teeth though I personally do not like zombie teeth so I never put that on my stick man drawings. :P)(Should have been counted as rare but it is categorized under premium as with all skins)
(Shoes are unknown since in the picture the lower legs are cut off)
That's it for now and I hoped you like the drawing!

Written by Lynn

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: Stick Run stick man using Ninja kick

Another Microsoft paint drawing AND another Stick Run drawing! I guess I'm addicted to drawing in paint and especially in Stick Run stuff. :P Anyway as from the tittle I am drawing the Stick man using Ninja kick which is a premium power up(well sort of... Eh heh heh heh heh...) and you have to use money to purchase it. And this stick man in the picture has a black cap with red glow, the angry eyes, Red Bandanna, red background for the name thus the red outlining (which is a default given in the game when you start off) and diamond shoes. Anyway I hope you liked this drawing!

Written by Lynn

Monday, February 10, 2014

Microsoft paint drawings: Stick run stick man with Facebook credits

More Microsoft paint drawings!!! :P Anyway here is just a random picture of me drawing a random stick man having Free Facebook credits and the items he wants are Diamond shoes, Diamond skin and Trader's pass. Just a random drawing I made. :P Anyway I really do want to get some free Facebook credits to buy stuff from the Stick Run game, otherwise I might have to wait for a long time in order to get what I want. Anyway that's it for now and I hoped you like the drawing!

Written by Lynn

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Microsoft Paint drawings: Stick run stick man jumping

Another drawing of Stick Run stuff on Microsoft paint! Basically this is a random stickman that I drew which has diamond shoes(I want that so much!), diamond skin(thus the light blue outlining), grin, zombie shades(don't like how it is called with the zombie thing), red zombie claws(well I don't like the fact that they are zombie claws, but they still have the cool look I wanted to put into the stick man) and a rare cap which I also don't know what it's called. Anyway here's the background of the stick man! (Yes it has a background :P :P :P)
Background: A highly skilled Stick Run runner, he had ran for ages and even got the final prestige level 30. However, he had always wanted certain items such as the diamond shoes and diamond skin, but did not want to spend his money on such items and wanted to get them for free, without sacrificing items in his inventory in the game or using money to buy them. Later, after he managed to make a program which can give rares and premiums to him for free, he hacked into the game and gotten himself those items. However, that was not all. He also gotten the Trader's pass, Darth Vader helmet and tons of other stuff unfairly with his own hack, which also included the zombie claws, the black cap glowing in red and the zombie shades. He runs even better than before and no one has beaten him in races.
That's it for now and I hoped you like the drawing plus this little background I stirred up! (No I didn't hack the game)

Written by Lynn

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Microsoft paint drawing: Stick run game scene

It's more Microsoft paint drawings! Today I have a drawing of a game scene you might see occur in the Stick Run game! So what do I have here? Well, it's my stick man in the game running towards the 2 boxes in front and it may or may not jump. Basically my stick man in the game looks something like I depicted in the drawing, which is with the Styler Cap,  Freaky(I don't know why it's called that but basically it's just spectacles in red, green and blue), Grin, JumperShoes and a Candy cane. That's it for now and I hoped you like this drawing!

Written by Lynn

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Microsoft paint drawing: Stick Run Diamond shoes

This is my second drawing that I've drawn completely only in Microsoft paint program(yes I have another one which is for Legends of Chima but I don't know where did that drawing go to) and this drawing is the drawing of the diamond shoes! Actually in the game itself you can't really see the diamond shoes' background is actually in black and outlining lime green or yellow but I asssume it's lime green anyway and here the shoes are glowing in its greatest light. Basically this can let you be able to control your stick man's speed, run faster left or right and jump higher. PLUS they look awesome! Basically this shoe is a combination of the SwiftShoes, RunnerShoes and JumperShoes plus the awesome look! For your infomation, I do not have it because this is something you can buy from the premium shop and it requires money to buy this thing so I don't have it, but I wish to have it soon. I've been hunting for rares to get this and the Traders' pass. Anyway that's it for now and I hoped you liked this drawing!

Written by Lynn

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chinese New Year crafts: Prosperity fish(Chinese New Year special part 3)

Want to have some Chinese New Year decorations? Well, you're not late for you still have 12 more days for Chinese New Year to be over! This is a little craft that I made which I called the Prosperity Fish! This fish design was completely made by me and I did not look at any tutorial for this. This is the final product.

Big fish

Small fish

These are the items you need to make it.
1. An elongated red packet, preferably a vertical one(Sure you can probably use a horizontal one, but I don't know how it will turn out considering I'm using a vertical one)
2. Scotch tape/packaging tape/sticky tape
3. Scissors(well duh! It is essential for cutting the tape and cutting the red packet into 2 sheets)
1. Blue tag(More for decorative purposes, or you can use my suggestion)
2. Red string(More for decorative purposes, or you can use my suggestion)
3. A hard item(You'll see why later)
Here's the tutorial.
(Note: There are actually 2 different sizes to make the fish with the elongated red packet, one big and one small. Making the smaller one with a red packet can bring you 4 fishes in total)
Step 1:
Use your red packet and cut off the strap that seals it
Step 2:
Cut your red packets into two sheets of paper, something like this:

Step 3:
Cut your red packet 'sheets' into half with the 'sheet' vertical and cutting horizontally.
Step 4:
Decide which fish you want to make. Big or small? If you are making a small fish, read on. Otherwise, skip the small fish part and go to big fish.
Small fish:
Step 1:
Cut even further from the halves, into quarters. 
Step 2:
Set 2 of the quarters aside and use the other 2 quarters. Fold a quarter into half and unfold it again. After that,  you turn 2 corners towards the line, but don't go pass it. Unfold them and cut it. KEEP ONE TRIANGLE THAT YOU CUT FROM THE QUARTER. IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR ANOTHER STEP.
Step 3:
Using that part you made from a quarter, place it on top of the uncut quarter and cut accordingly.
Step 4:
It's time to place the quarters into a fish shape! The 2 uncut quarters will be the outer part and as the fish 'body' and the cut quarters will be the fish's 'tail'. Place your 2 uncut quarters in a rhombus/diamond position and use something hard to put on top of them. 
Step 5: 
Cut some tape to stick 1 uncut and cut quarter together 
Step 6:
Line up your second half of the fish with the first half which is stuck with tape. Stick the second half of the fish's head and tail together.
Step 7: 
Stick both halves together with tape
Step 8:
Cut a triangle you previously had from cutting 2 of the quarters into half. Stick it on your almost completed fish with tape, though don't stick it completely!
And your small fish is done! Like I said, with one elongated red packet you can make 4 small fishes!
Big fish:
Step 1:
Set 2 of the halves aside and have 2 halves ready for cutting. If you happen to have the little arch near the opening on your red packet, then I do suggest you to use that along with another half. Fold the half into half and unfold it. After that, fold 2 corners in, not across the folded line. Unfold the corners and cut them. KEEP ONE TRIANGLE THAT YOU CUT FROM THE HALF. IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR ANOTHER STEP.
Step 2:
Put your first cut half with an uncut half and cut according to the length of the uncut one.
Step 3:
It's time to place the halves into a fish shape! The 2 uncut halves will be the outer part and as the fish 'body' and the cut halves will be the fish's 'tail'. Place your 2 uncut halves in a rhombus/diamond position and use something hard to put on top of them. 
Step 4:
Cut some tape to stick 1 uncut and cut half together 
Step 5:
Line up your second half of the fish with the first half which is stuck with tape. Stick the second half of the fish's head and tail together.
Step 6:
Stick both halves together with tape.
Step 7:
Cut a triangle you previously had from cutting 2 of the quarters into half. Stick it on your almost completed fish with tape, though don't stick it completely!
And that's it! Happy fish making!

Written by Lynn

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Custom foam sheet wallet

Here's another foam sheet craft of mine, the foam wallet! Here are 5 pictures of it.

Close up on Lego brick design on my foam wallet

Front of the foam wallet

Close up on how the coin pouch closes

Back of the wallet

Inside of the wallet(left side is the coin pouch and right side are 3 card pockets.)

Of course, there is a slot for money, though I'm too lazy to show you that part.  Anyway, yes, I got a new colour for cloth tape and that is blue, as shown here. ;) The blue cloth tape was bought at another store but I never really noticed the shop name, so, unfortunately, I can't tell you the shop name, but one thing I know for sure is that this blue cloth tape isn't bought at Value Dollar. BTW, this is my third foam craft. Anyway, I just used 1 sheet of A4 foam sheet to make this wallet. As with my first custom woven wallet, the size of this wallet is 1/3 of A4 size... erm... stuff... plus a little bit of width because of the cloth tape in between to fold properly(foam isn't really a good material at folding, so unless you have some material that's foldable in between the part of the foam which needs to be folded or use a pencil to make a fold mark, you can't really fold foam). To keep the wallet in its folded state, I used a book to put on top of it for the wallet to keep its shape. Again, like my recent crafts(NOT including my paper woven wallet), I put a Lego brick and Rubik's cube design. :P A plus point for this, like my previous foam craft, is that it needs no sewing skills! Yay! :D Anyway, that's it for now and I hoped you liked this craft!

Written by Lynn

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Custom foam sheet Galaxy Ace phone case

Here's my custom foam sheet Galaxy Ace phone case! Here are 3 pictures of it.

Front view w/ the part covering the front of the phone covering the phone

Front view w/out the part covering the front of the phone covering the phone

Back view without the Velcro being connected
Top of the phone case

As mentioned in my first post on my custom foam sheet Iphone case, I made a phone case for my sister's phone, and here it is. So basically I just did it the other way round(use my own phone to take pictures of my sis's phone, my main camera for my blog) and just edited it a little bit with Windows Photo Gallery. So, here's the phone case. So, there are holes for the camera hole, the hole for flash, the hole to hear sound, a hole to off the phone and last but not least, the buttons on the front. JSYK(Just so you know), it is my second foam craft and I was asked by my sister to make it because she saw my phone case. Yeah, it's a little plain, but it's because my sister didn't tell me what she wanted to decorate on her phone case so I didn't put anything. :P That's it for now!

Written by Lynn

Monday, December 23, 2013

Custom foam sheet Iphone 3G case update 2

Here's yet another update of my foam sheet phone case!

Yep, it's just my Lego Ninjago Roleplay character, Jason(see him and the first version of his vehicle and a minor update on his vehicle) as a decoration on the front of my phone case. The funny thing is how I was so silly to actually separately put the packaging tape/scotch tape/transparent sticky tape on my Jason drawing, cut it out and then put a bunch of packaging tape/scotch tape/transparent sticky tape on certain parts of Jason when I could just cut one big piece of said tape and just paste it on that drawing of Jason and just paste it on the part which covers the front of the phone. :P Also, here's something I didn't show in my first post on this phone case.

Yes, the top and the left of the phone case does have holes for turning off the phone, connecting the headphone plugs to it, turning up and down the volume and a hole for turning the phone to silent mode or make the phone have sound. Well, anyway, that's it for this update!

Written by Lynn

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lego Hero Factory drawing of one of my MOCs

Here's a Lego Hero Factory drawing of one of my MOCs which I haven't showed on the blog yet. Here's a picture of it.

This drawing is coloured in both the computer picture editor(and also drawing program), Paint and with my colour pencils. Basically, the lightning bolts and the Hero Factory logo thing is coloured in paint and the Lego logo and the Hero Factory MOC drawing itself is coloured in real life. If you need a close look of the head, you can click on the picture. That's it for now and I hoped you like this drawing!
Written by Lynn

Friday, October 11, 2013

Custom foam sheet Iphone 3G case update!

Here's an update on my custom foam sheet Iphone 3 case! Here's  a picture of it.

What you see here is a watermelon getting sliced by lightning. You would be like 'WHAT?! Why would a fruit be getting sliced by lightning?!' Well, to answer your question, that lightning bolt is supposed to be the elite blade in Fruit Ninja, called 'Lightning bolt'. After all of my perseverance and hard work, I finally gotten 10 000 starfruit to buy it! So now I am celebrating by drawing that and pasting it onto the transparent part which covers the front of the phone. That's it for now!

Written by Lynn

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Custom foam sheet Iphone 3G case

Here's my custom foam sheet Iphone 3 case! Here are 2 pictures of it.


Back(With Lego brick and Rubik's cube design!)

Yeah I know my Iphone is in it but anyway, yipee! I finally completed this case! Actually I had done most of the things needed on the phone case long time ago but I just couldn't find a way to get the foam to stick together to form the case shape that I needed for my phone. Finally, at Value Dollar shop, my mother and I found a tape called cloth tape. It was sticky enough to actually stick the foam together! So I finally got the case done and did some adjustments to make it fit perfectly. I'm so happy that I finally got a phone case that has my 2 favourite colours! :D
Dimensions of case:
Length: 11.9cm
Width: 6.2cm
Height: 1.6cm
By the way, for the decorations at the back, first, I drew the decoration on white paper, then, I put on some packing tape/scotch tape/transparent sticky tape onto the decoration to prevent its colours from getting chipped off and to make it waterproof. After that, I cut it out and pasted it with the cloth tape! I did this because I needed to differentiate my phone and my sister's phone because our phone covers are very similar and I thought the phone cover was very plain. Yeah, I did a phone cover for my sister because she wanted me to and hers is not an Iphone. It's the phone that I use to take pictures of my stuff. That's it for now and I hoped you like this post!
Written by Lynn