Sunday, May 18, 2014

Lego book review: The Lego Adventure Book volume 2

Here's my Lego book review of the Lego Adventure Book volume 2! Please note that this is NOT an official book from Lego and that it is a book made by a group of fans and with Lego's approval, published to the public. Here are a few pictures of the book.

This book is a bit of a mix of comic+Lego building tips+instructions+humour and honestly speaking, I like this book. And this also inspired me to build a Lego MOC based on one of the things inside(ok to be exact it's a Lego Viper I got inspiration from this book for making that). Anyway, basically in this book, I'll show you what they describe a Lego Viper as.

Actually, my Lego Viper was originally a Lego jet, but then I did slight changes to meet the requirements of a Lego Viper. I'll show you that MOC soon! Overall, this book is pretty good, and I had finished reading it. :D I guess I can give it a 10/10! :D

Written by Lynn

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